Northern Ontario Osteopathy

Welcome to Erin Torsky’s ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM

NOTICE OF NEW FEE SCHEDULE as of Monday March 17th, 2025: Initial Osteopathic Treatment 84.07 + 10.93 HST = $95.00 - Ongoing Osteopathic Treatment 70.80 + 9.20 HST = $80.00

Osteopathy involves the use of manual assessment and treatment to address imbalances in the body’s structure in a non-invasive way, finding health and allowing for the body’s ability to self-heal and self-regulate. The structure of the body is addressed as a whole, not simply treating an injury, condition, or location of pain. Through an in-depth understanding of anatomy and physiology, Osteopathy addresses many structural and mechanical dysfunctions to relieve pain and discomfort and to optimize the body’s ability to maintain health.

The clinic is LOCATED at the corner of Victoria Avenue E and McKellar Street N. The ENTRANCE is the furthest outside door away from Victoria Avenue, along McKellar Street, within the same office as Angie’s Colonic Health Centre. There is plenty of close by metered street PARKING available.

For our security, during appointments, the outside building door will be locked. If the door is locked when you arrive for your appointment, don’t be alarmed, I will be with you shortly. If the door is unlocked, please come in and make yourself comfortable.

WAIT LIST: If you cannot find a time in the schedule that works for you, there is an option to place yourself on the Wait List to be contacted if an appointment time becomes available. See below to add yourself to the Wait List.

For more information about Osteopathy, click “Read More” below the practitioner’s photo.


Osteopathy involves the use of manual assessment and treatment to address imbalances in the body's structure in a non-invasive way, finding health and allowing for the body's ability to self-heal and self-regulate. The structure of the body is addressed as a whole, not simply treating an injury, condition, or location of pain. Through an in-depth understanding of anatomy and physiology, Osteopa... Read More

Osteopathy involves the use of manual assessment and treatment to address imbalances in the body's structure in a non-invasive way, finding health and allowing for the body's ability to self-heal and self-regulate. The structure of the body is addressed as a whole, not simply treating an injury, condition, or location of pain. Through an in-depth understanding of anatomy and physiology, Osteopathy addresses many structural and mechanical dysfunctions to relieve pain and discomfort and to optimize the body's ability to maintain health.


After 15 years of clinical experience in Southern Ontario Erin returned to school in 2015 to study the principles and application of Osteopathy as a form of Manual Therapy, advancing her knowledge and ability to address more potentially complicated structural issues. Upon completing the program in 2019 Erin returned to Thunder Bay, where she grew up.

Erin is passionate about her work and about ensuring treatment is available and accessible to those in need. She works independently in a small-scale patient centered clinical practice. There is no receptionist. If you have any questions at all, or would like to speak with Erin directly, don’t hesitate to call.


The application of Osteopathic treatment is designed to work in a way that is gentle, working with the body to make lasting change. No treatments are forceful in any way, allowing the body to better receive the change and integrate it into the entire structure. Each treatment or course of treatment is individual and precise. Treatments are applied over clothing.

Our bodies are complicated organic machines with a direct relationship between the structure and how the body is functioning. Life happens; sometimes injuries, sometimes repetitive strains, and when something happens where moving parts or aspects of the body’s structure are thrown off or shifted, mechanical changes take place. Strain is then placed on and through the body, making it more difficult for healthy functioning to happen. The body is always trying to find health. By reducing or removing restrictions or barriers to the body’s efforts, health and optimal functioning can more easily be achieved.

Osteopathy can benefit any individual. By addressing more complicated chronic issues, to recurring discomforts, recovery after injury or strain, or anyone looking to improve the overall structure and function relationship that is inherent in the body, thus helping to prevent potential future issues from arising.


The Osteopathic program that Erin completed at the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy (CAO) in Hamilton, Ontario is 4 full years with over 4,200 hours of academic and practical training and 1,000 supervised clinical hours: link. The CAO provides extensive in-depth education in the philosophy and principles of Osteopathy while following minimum guidelines as set out by the World Health Organization (WHO). Erin is a member of the Ontario Osteopathic Association (OOA) which is a division of Osteopathy Canada (OSTCAN): link. OSTCAN provides a high standard of consistent unified National representation for its members, ensuring a high level of quality training and public safety. OSTCAN works closely and is recognized by the Insurance Industry and Osteopathic treatments provided by members are covered by many Extended Health Plans.

For more information about Osteopathy, click the links above.

ABOUT ERIN TORSKY: After 15 years of clinical experience in Southern Ontario Erin returned to sc... Read More

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Located at: 905 Victoria Ave. E, Unit 5, Thunder Bay
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